Al Jamil Al Azim (Nuri Ibn Salaam x Malakeh by GR Faleeh), exotic Straight Egyptian stallion, black without markings, black producer, SCID-clear, CA N/N clear, fresh- and frozen semen available (EU)
Al Jamil Al Azim, Straight Egyptian, exotic black stallion, very typey, with a beautyful short head, big dark eyes, super body and outstanding very showy movements and he is black without any white markings and out of black parents. Al Jamil Al Azim is SCID-clear and CA-clear by parents.
Al Jamil Al Azim´s who-is-who pedigree is a very good combination of wellknown and successful Straight Egyptian bloodlines, like Alidaar, (Dr. Nagels) Nahaman, Ibn Galal, the Elitesire Ansata el Salaam, Tuhotmos and Gharib, the black Elitesire.
Al Jamil Al Azim traces back to a bloodline, which is wanted worldwide, and offspring and siblings of this line are on five continents. His black Dam Malakeh is by the black show-winner GR Faleeh and out of a Classic Shadwan-Alidaar daughter. Nuri Ibn Salaam, the black sire of Al Jamil Al Azim, is a black producer and a producer of type and performance as well and he has very good offspring in Europe and in the Middle East.
Nuri Ibn Salaam´s Pedigree is one of the finest. From the maternal side he has the famous Elite sires Gharib and Montasar in his pedigree. Nuri´s dam Nurah is by Montasar, a fulbrother to the world famous Messaoud, who is the son of the most successful breeding combination of Madkour by Morafic and the Hadban Enzahi-daughter Maymoonah, who has been the foundation of a whole Dynasty. Nurah´s dam Nagha was by Gharib, the worldwide famous black sire, who was born in El Zahraa (Egypt) and who has been the main sire for many years at the famous state stud in Marbach (GER).
On the paternal side, Nuri is the son of the famous Elite sire Ansata el Salaam, bred by Judith Forbis, Ansata Stud (USA), who has twice the Nazeer-son Ansata Ibn Halima in his Pedigree and who traces back with his beautyful dam Ansata Samantha to Bukra and Obeya and to the line of El Dahma.
Al Jamil Al Azim is also looking good under the saddle and he is ridden in the riding hall and outside in the countryside as well. His halfbrother is our exotic black Straight Egyptian, Premium and Gold-Ribbon, Star-Stallion Al Kharim Al Azim**** .
Al Jamil Al Azim is SCID-clear and CA N/N clear. Fresh (chilled) and frozen semen available (EU).
